Internal Adaptations

Internal alterations to transform your home’s layout into a more accessible, functional and convenient environment

Widening Doorways

Widening doorways ensures that your home becomes more inclusive and accommodating for individuals with diverse mobility needs. Whether it’s for wheelchair access or simply to create a more open and welcoming atmosphere, our expertise in widening doorways adds a touch of convenience and a sense of freedom to your daily life.

Kitchen Modifications

We specialise in reimagining kitchen spaces by rearranging appliances, countertops, and storage, transforming them into functional and accessible workspaces.

Our solutions include lowering countertops, incorporating knee space beneath sinks, and introducing pull-out shelves or drawers. These thoughtful adjustments cater to individuals with mobility limitations, ensuring a user-friendly kitchen environment that promotes both convenience and independence.

All Ability to Adapt technicians are fully qualified and DBS checked

Custom designs tailored to meet specific mobility requirements

Typical turnaround is between five and seven weeks

Other Bathroom and Wet Room Solutions

Ramps & External Works

Maintain safe access to your home and garden.

Grab Rail

Grab Rails

A cost effective and easy to install solution with an immediate impact to mobility around the home.

Internal Alterations

Change the layout of your home to create a more accessible, functional, and convenient environment.

Our Promise

We are committed to providing:

Ask a question

If you have any enquiries about our services, please contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and informative responses, without any sales pitches or pressure to make immediate decisions. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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